About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Crochet Club - The Beginning

Welcome to the first edition of my Crochet Club blog.

I saw a post, on my local pages of "Streetlife" (now defunct), about wanting to learn how to crochet and offered to teach the basics.

We are starting next week right from the very beginning.

I will demonstrate how you hold the hook, yarn and work and start with a slip knot.

The first basic stitches we will cover are chain stitch (ch) , slip stitch (ss) and double crochet (dc).

At this juncture I must stress that this is a UK based blog and all the stitches will be the UK ones and not the American version. A conversion chart can be found here.

After we have mastered these stitches in rows, there is this lovely little Attic24 pattern of a snowflake which we can make too.

I photographed it before (right) I pinned it out and after (above).

I'll be hanging mine on my Christmas tree this year for sure.


Sue said...

I am so looking forward to learning crochet. I can make a blanket or a scarf, but only with a very basic stitch.

I would have added my name to your Followers, but couldn't find it.


Anonymous said...

Fab! Will get myself into town for some cotton yarn and dig out my old crochet hooks and have a bash. Thanks BJ =)