Four ladies came to the first crochet lesson.
I took a few photos of the table before we began but the time flew by so fast that I forgot to take any other photos.

I made up some bags for each to keep their yarn, hook and patterns in.

We learnt the basic chain stitch (ch) and then went on to double crochet (dc). I think everyone agrees that the first 2 rows are definitely the hardest but when you get further along it gets easier.
It would seem that I hold my hook and yarn in quite an unconventional way but if the end result is OK then it doesn't really matter and that we need to find a way that is comfortable for the individual.

I showed them some pieces I had made including the necklace which is made with wire, initially strung with all the beads and then crocheted up using chain stitch.
We also started on our snowflakes.
I'm looking forward to next week already.